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Jones Radiology
SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute)
131 Media · 62 Specimens · 0 Cultural Heritage Objects

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List of media items in this team
  ID Part Object Taxonomy Type Date Added Publication Status
000628385 Scapula L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628382 pelvis L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628379 Mandible L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628376 Humerus L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628373 Femur L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628370 Cranium L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628367 calcaneus L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-08 Open Download
000628364 astragalus L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus Mesh 2024-05-07 Open Download
000598034 tympanic bulla SAMA:Mammalogy:M15598 Tursiops aduncus Mesh 2024-01-16 Open Download
000598026 cranium SAMA:Mammalogy:M15598 Tursiops aduncus Mesh 2024-01-16 Open Download
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Showing 11 - 20 of 131
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List of items in this team
Identifier Taxonomy Total Media Date Added Source
SAMA:Mammalogy:M2939 Aepyprymnus rufescens 11 2023-12-20  iDigBio
L-EM:ES0033 Lepus europaeus 12 2023-10-12 User Created
L-EM:ES0162 Oryctolagus cuniculus 9 2023-10-12 User Created
sama:mammology:M22785 Felis catus 1 2023-10-12 User Created
sama:mammology:M11457 Conilurus penicillatus 1 2023-10-12 User Created
sama:mammology:M16206 Vulpes vulpes 1 2023-10-12 User Created
sama:mammology:M2313 Trichosurus vulpecula 1 2023-10-11 User Created
sama:mammology:M2133 Bettongia lesueur 1 2023-10-11 User Created
sama:mammology:M5757 Potorous tridactylus 1 2023-10-11 User Created
sama:mammology:M3591 Lagorchestes hirsutus 1 2023-10-11 User Created
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Showing 11 - 20 of 62
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Jones Radiology
Organization Name
SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute)
Organization Type
Scanning Facility
Institution code
SAHMRI Building, North Terrace
South Australia
Postal Code
Contact Person


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