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University of Hull
Department of Engineering (Medical and Biomedical)
240 Media · 118 Specimens · 0 Cultural Heritage Objects

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List of media items in this team
  ID Part Object Taxonomy Type Date Added Publication Status
000068776 Pollen hlu:ccc:67 Dactylis glomerata Video 2019-02-06 Open Download
000068778 Pollen hlu:ccc:43 Filipendula ulmaria Video 2019-02-06 Open Download
000065541 Pollen hlu:ccc:43 Filipendula ulmaria Mesh 2018-12-14 Open Download
000068790 Pollen hlu:ccc:413 Quercus petraea Video 2019-02-06 Open Download
000065547 Pollen hlu:ccc:723 Plantago lanceolata Mesh 2018-12-14 Open Download
000065540 Pollen hlu:ccc:413incid Corylus avellana Mesh 2018-12-14 Open Download
000065539 Pollen hlu:ccc:413 Quercus petraea Mesh 2018-12-14 Open Download
000068774 Pollen hlu:ccc:413incid Corylus avellana Video 2019-02-06 Open Download
000065543 Pollen hlu:ccc:444incid Incertae sedis Mesh 2018-12-14 Open Download
000068780 Pollen hlu:ccc:174 Scorzoneroides autumnalis Video 2019-02-06 Open Download
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Showing 21 - 30 of 240
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List of items in this team
Identifier Taxonomy Total Media Date Added Source
rng:P0020162 Carex lasiocarpa 2 2019-06-28 User Created
hlu:ccc:595 Betula pendula 2 2019-06-28 User Created
rng:P0042299 Ambrosia psilostachya 2 2019-06-28 User Created
rng:P0042302 Artemisia annua 2 2019-06-28 User Created
manch:polrefcol:UK_MAN_10 Cedrus libani 2 2019-06-28 User Created
rng:P0042294 Acer campestre 2 2019-06-28 User Created
manch:polrefcol:UK_WB_05_WB110159 Cedrus deodara 2 2019-06-27 User Created
manch:polrefcol:MA_AZR_72 Cedrus atlantica 3 2019-04-26 User Created
hlu:ccc:731incid Pinus sp. 3 2018-12-07 User Created
hlu:ccc:444incid incertae sedis indet. 3 2018-12-07 User Created
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Showing 21 - 30 of 118
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University of Hull
Organization Name
Department of Engineering (Medical and Biomedical)
Organization Type
Scanning Facility
Institution code
Department of Engineering (Medical and Biomedical)
Postal Code
Contact Person
Michael Fagan


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