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Primate Phenotypes Media List ID: 000656244 Public
6066 Media · 386 Specimens · Creator: Sergio Almécija · Managed by: Sergio Almecija

Digital collection of primate skeletal elements (mostly hominoids, except humans) created by Sergio Almécija and colleagues and managed with the various natural history collections involved. A dataset description and usage instructions will be soon available in this paper: Almécija et al. "Primate Phenotypes: A Multi-Institution Collection of 3D Morphological Data Housed in MorphoSource" submitted to Scientific Data.


Digital collection of primate skeletal elements (mostly hominoids, except humans) created by Sergio Almécija and colleagues and managed with the various natural history collections involved. A dataset description and usage instructions will be soon available in this paper: Almécija et al. "Primate Phenotypes: A Multi-Institution Collection of 3D Morphological Data Housed in MorphoSource" submitted to Scientific Data.


List type
Research Dataset
Managed by
Sergio Almécija
Matthew W. Tocheri; Darrin P. Lunde; Emmanuel Gilissen; Biren A. Patel; Christopher M. Smith; Stephanie Maiolino; Robert S. Voss; Megan K. Viera; Kelsey D. Pugh; Julie M. Winchester; Neil Duncan; Nancy B. Simmons; Eric Delson; Alisha Anaya; Santiago Catalano; Ashley S. Hammond; Doug M. Boyer; Teresa Hsu; Caley M. Orr


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