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Hungarian Natural History Museum
Department of Palaeontology
21 Media · 20 Specimens · 0 Cultural Heritage Objects

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List of media items in this team
  ID Part Object Taxonomy Type Date Added Publication Status
000170145 Skull roof mtm:pal:2020.32.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170146 premaxillae mtm:pal:2020.31.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170148 Nasal mtm:pal:2020.31.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170144 nasal (isolated) mtm:pal:2020.34.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170142 Nasals mtm:pal:2020.32.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170139 postorbital and jugal (isolated) mtm:pal:2010.1.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170138 postorbital (Isolated, small) mtm:pal:2007.28.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170137 isolated frontale mtm:pal:2007.27.1 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000170134 premaxilla-maxilla mtm:pal:2003.12 Hungarosaurus tormai Ct image series 2020-12-22 Open Download
000073110 Posterior maxillary teeth mtm:2006.52.1 Iharkutosuchus makadii Mesh 2019-04-02 Open Download
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Showing 11 - 20 of 21
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List of items in this team
Identifier Taxonomy Total Media Date Added Source
mtm:pal:2020.34.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2007.28.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2003.12 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2007.27.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2020.32.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2020.33.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2020.32.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2020.31.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:pal:2020.31.1 Hungarosaurus tormai 1 2020-12-22 User Created
mtm:2006.52.1 Iharkutosuchus makadii 2 2019-04-02 User Created
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Showing 11 - 20 of 20
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Hungarian Natural History Museum
Organization Name
Department of Palaeontology
Organization Type
Museum, Department, or Lab Collection
Institution code
Ludovika tér 2-6
1083 Budapest


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