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OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital
OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital
101 Media · 31 Specimens · 0 Cultural Heritage Objects

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List of media items in this team
  ID Part Object Taxonomy Type Date Added Publication Status
000568213 head ouvc:9761 Alligator mississippiensis Ct image series 2023-10-03 Open Download
000542260 Nasal airway ouvc:h:10636 Struthio camelus Mesh 2023-07-17 Open Download
000542253 Skull ouvc:h:10636 Struthio camelus Mesh 2023-07-17 Open Download
000536247 Wet specimen, head ouvc:h:10636 Struthio camelus Ct image series 2023-07-03 Open Download
000510202 Segmentation of the internal venous system ouvc:h:9757 Alligator mississipiensis Mesh 2023-03-31 Restricted Download
000510194 Segementation of the palatal venous plexus ouvc:h:9757 Alligator mississipiensis Mesh 2023-03-31 Restricted Download
000510189 Segmentation of the nasal venous vessels ouvc:h:9757 Alligator mississipiensis Mesh 2023-03-31 Restricted Download
000491592 Premaxilla NHMUK:PAL:PV R 9951 a Baryonyx walkeri Mesh 2023-01-12 Open Download
000491584 Maxilla NHMUK:PAL:PV R 9951 a Baryonyx walkeri Mesh 2023-01-12 Open Download
000491581 Maxilla NHMUK:PAL:PV R 9951 a Baryonyx walkeri Mesh 2023-01-12 Open Download
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Showing 1 - 10 of 101
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List of items in this team
Identifier Taxonomy Total Media Date Added Source
ouvc:h:10636 Struthio camelus 3 2023-07-03 User Created
ouvc:h:9757 Alligator mississipiensis 3 2023-03-31 User Created
NHMUK:PAL:PV R 9951 a Baryonyx walkeri 14 2023-01-10  iDigBio
UCMP:V:27407 Desmatosuchus sp. 2 2021-09-08  iDigBio
amnh:farb:25555 Anhanguera santanae 2 2021-04-27 User Created
MCZ:VP:VPRA-4117 Gracilisuchus sp. 1 2021-04-27  iDigBio
fmnh:amphibians and reptiles:73438 Caiman crocodilus 1 2021-04-27 User Created
ouvc Crocodylus porosus 1 2021-04-27 User Created
txvp:m Crocodylus moreletii 1 2021-04-27 User Created
ouvc:h Crocodylus johnstoni 1 2021-04-27 User Created
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Showing 1 - 10 of 31
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OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital
Organization Name
OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital
Organization Type
Scanning Facility
Institution code
OhioHealth O'Bleness Hospital, Athens, Ohio
55 Hospital Dr.
Postal Code
United States
Contact Person
Heather Rockhold


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