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Université de Montpellier
Montpellier Resources Imagerie: Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier (MRI-ISEM)
366 Media · 312 Specimens · 0 Cultural Heritage Objects

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List of media items in this team
  ID Part Object Taxonomy Type Date Added Publication Status
000362846 Humerus MNHN:ZM:2008-83 Saguinus sp. Mesh 2021-05-10 Open Download
000362841 Humerus MNHN:ZM:MO-1936-1524 Callithrix sp. Mesh 2021-05-10 Open Download
000168721 mnhn:ra:2020.0081 Synapturanus cf. mirandaribeiroi Ct image series 2020-12-14 Open Download
000165522 mtd:49061 Synapturanus sp. Guyana Ct image series 2020-10-19 Restricted Download
000162162 mnhn:ra:XXX (pending) Otophryne sp. Eastern Guianas Mesh 2020-09-30 Open Download
000162161 Raw data mnhn:ra:XXX (pending) Otophryne sp. Eastern Guianas Ct image series 2020-09-30 Open Download
000162108 mesh file .ply format mnhn:ra:XXX (pending) Otophryne sp. Eastern Guianas Mesh 2020-09-29 Open Download
000162102 mesh file .ply format usnm:512212 Otophryne sp. Neblina Mesh 2020-09-29 Restricted Download
000162106 Raw data mnhn:ra:XXX (pending) Otophryne sp. Eastern Guianas Ct image series 2020-09-29 Open Download
000162101 Raw data usnm:512212 Otophryne sp. Neblina Ct image series 2020-09-29 Restricted Download
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Showing 111 - 120 of 366
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List of items in this team
Identifier Taxonomy Total Media Date Added Source
nhmuk:zoo:53291 Pseudohydromys murinus 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:53290 Pseudohydromys murinus 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:53296 Pseudohydromys fuscus 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:501733 Pseudohydromys fuscus 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:501734 Pseudohydromys eleanorae 1 2020-03-22 User Created
um:- Proechimys guyannensis 1 2020-03-22 User Created
um:V1648 Proechimys guyannensis 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:471366 Parahydromys asper 1 2020-03-22 User Created
mnhn:zm:2002 Oxymycterus quaestor 1 2020-03-22 User Created
nhmuk:zoo:52162 Orthogeomys hispidus 1 2020-03-22 User Created
Rows per page
Showing 111 - 120 of 312
No objects found.


Université de Montpellier
Organization Name
Montpellier Resources Imagerie: Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier (MRI-ISEM)
Organization Type
Scanning Facility
Institution code
SkyScan In-Vivo 1076 In vivo scanning capability
Bâtiment 22
Postal Code
Contact Person
Renaud Lebrun


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