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- Carnivorous mammal crania: Convergence between thylacine and small prey-focused canids55
- Schade et al. 2022. Irritator challengeri SMNS 58022 osteology50
- Evers & Benson 2018, Turtle CT Data and 3D Models30
- Laboury et al. 3D models of Triassic eosauropterygians21
- Proboscidean limb bones 202419
- Evers. 2021. Extant and fossil amniote labyrinth and cranial models18
- Ferreira et al. 2021. Supplementary models to "Contrasting brains and bones: neuroanatomical evolution of turtles (Testudinata)" 11
- Werneburg & Ferreira (2024). Cranial anatomy of turtles9
- Schade et al. 2020. Irritator challengeri SMNS 58022 neuroanatomy8
- Evers & Ponstein. 2022. Turtle mandibular anatomy and 3D models8
- Kampouridis et al. 2023. Dental eruption and adult dentition of the enigmatic ptolemaiid Qarunavus meyeri from the Oligocene of the Fayum Depression (Egypt) revealed by micro-computed tomography clarifies its phylogenetic position8
- Aetosaurus ferratus - humeri8
- Ferreira & Werneburg 2021. PTA-CT scans of extant turtle skulls7
- Spalangiopelta darlingi & S. semialba5
- Aphanogmus kretschmanni3
- Novel CT-data acquired for the publication: Unique bone microanatomy reveals ancestry of subterranean specializations in mammals3
- 3D models of: The ecomorphology of the shell of extant turtles and its applications for fossil turtles2
- Widespread loss of mammalian lineage and dietary diversity in the early Oligocene of Afro-Arabia2
- Hermanson et al. Turtle cranial ecomorphology2
- Triassic shelled stem turtles humeri2