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oVert: UW - CT Scan all Fishes Project ID: 00000C220 Public
3747 Media · 2643 Specimens · Managed by: ADAM SUMMERS

The aim of this project is the scan ALL the fishes even the sarcopterygians On every scan page there is a link to the proper way to reference the data if they are used in a publication. We would also appreciate a note if you get something useful out of these data. You can follow along with what is posted here at the Twitter hashtag #ScanAllFishes. All of the fishes we have scanner are listed in a Google Doc Sheet but I can't add a link to this abstract. Getting the data up on this site is a serious bottleneck. If you need a particular species we will move the slice data here ASAP. Email Adam Summers. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Seaver Institute.


The aim of this project is the scan ALL the fishes even the sarcopterygians

On every scan page there is a link to the proper way to reference the data if they are used in a publication. We would also appreciate a note if you get something useful out of these data.

You can follow along with what is posted here at the Twitter hashtag #ScanAllFishes.

All of the fishes we have scanner are listed in a Google Doc Sheet but I can't add a link to this abstract.

Getting the data up on this site is a serious bottleneck. If you need a particular species we will move the slice data here ASAP. Email Adam Summers.

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Seaver Institute.


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