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Spicher et al. 2023 Denazinemys nodosa, cranial CT-data and 3D models Project ID: 000483670 Public
46 Media · 1 Specimen · Managed by: Gaël E. Spicher

This project contains the cranial CT data and derivative 3D models for the specimen DMNH EPV.64550, Denazinemys nodosa, which were uploaded as supplements for the paper "A description of a Denazinemys nodosa (Testudinata: Baenidae) specimen from the Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah" by Gaël E. Spicher, Joe W. Sertich, Léa C. Girard, Walter G. Joyce, Tyler R. Lyson and Yann Rollot, to be published in Fossil Records. Models and data are currently uploaded to facilitate review, please refrain from citing/using until paper is formerly published.


This project contains the cranial CT data and derivative 3D models for the specimen DMNH EPV.64550, Denazinemys nodosa, which were uploaded as supplements for the paper "A description of a Denazinemys nodosa (Testudinata: Baenidae) specimen from the Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah" by Gaël E. Spicher, Joe W. Sertich, Léa C. Girard, Walter G. Joyce, Tyler R. Lyson and Yann Rollot, to be published in Fossil Records. Models and data are currently uploaded to facilitate review, please refrain from citing/using until paper is formerly published.



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