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CT-stacks of the neurocranium of the Late Devonian chondrichthyan Maghriboselache Project ID: 000492799 Public
4 Media · 2 Objects · Creator: Coates, Michael I., Klug, Christian, Pohle, Alexander, Lagnaoui, Abdelouahed, Greif, Merle, Ginter, Michal, Bel Haouz, Wahiba, Frey, Linda · Managed by: Christian Klug

Maghriboselache mohamezanei is a newly described chondrichthyan from the Famennian (Late Devonian) of the eastern Anti-Atlas. In two specimens, the neurocrania are three-dimensionally preserved and revealed a lot of anatomical detail. This new taxon falls in a basal position of the stem of the total group Holocephali and thus is of great importance to understand the early evolution of the chondrichthyan crown group.


Maghriboselache mohamezanei is a newly described chondrichthyan from the Famennian (Late Devonian) of the eastern Anti-Atlas. In two specimens, the neurocrania are three-dimensionally preserved and revealed a lot of anatomical detail. This new taxon falls in a basal position of the stem of the total group Holocephali and thus is of great importance to understand the early evolution of the chondrichthyan crown group.


Managed by
Coates, Michael I.; Klug, Christian; Pohle, Alexander; Lagnaoui, Abdelouahed; Greif, Merle; Ginter, Michal; Bel Haouz, Wahiba; Frey, Linda
Anti-Atlas, Morocco


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