CT Image Series Imaging Event Class
Term Name ms:CTImageSeriesImagingEvent c
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/CTImageSeriesImagingEvent |
Label | CT Image Series Imaging Event |
Description | Imaging Event with CT, MRI, or similar Image Modality. Has specific metadata fields other Imaging Events may not have. |
Sub Class Of | ms:ImagingEvent |
Property Terms Inherited | |
Property Terms |
Type | Class |
Imaging Event Properties
Term Name pcdm:hasMember op
Term IRI | http://pcdm.org/models#hasMember |
Label | has member |
Is Defined By | http://pcdm.org/models# |
Description | Links to a subsidiary Object or Collection. Typically used to link to component parts, such as a book linking to a page. Note on transitivity: hasMember is not defined as transitive, but applications may treat it as transitive as local needs dictate. |
Value Restriction | |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:depositor op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/depositor |
Label | Depositor |
Description | A current owner of an item who deposited the item into the custody of another person, family, or organization, while still retaining ownership |
Value Restriction | ms:User |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:ieModality op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/ieModality |
Label | Imaging Event Modality |
Description | The imaging modality used in the imaging event. Value must be from Image Modality controlled vocabulary (http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/ImageModality). |
Example |
`MicroNanoXRayComputedTomography`, `Photogrammetry`, `Video` |
Sub Property Of | ac:captureDevice |
Value Restriction | mscv:ImageModalityType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name dc:creator dp
Term IRI | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator |
Label | Creator |
Is Defined By | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ |
Description |
Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, or a service. Typically, the name of a Creator should be used to indicate the entity. An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. |
Note | A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dc:description dp
Term IRI | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description |
Label | Description |
Is Defined By | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ |
Description |
Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. An account of the resource. |
Note | A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation. |
Super Property Of | ms:processingActivityDescription |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dcterms:created dp
Term IRI | http://purl.org/dc/terms/created |
Label | Date Created |
Is Defined By | http://purl.org/dc/terms/ |
Description |
Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. Date of creation of the resource. |
Value Restriction | xsd:dateTime |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dcterms:title dp
Term IRI | http://purl.org/dc/terms/title |
Label | Title |
Is Defined By | http://purl.org/dc/terms/ |
Description | A name given to the resource. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:ID dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/ID |
Label | ID |
Description | Morphosource-specific unique ID identifier for a Work (Media, Organization, Device, etc.). |
Super Property Of | |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:attachmentFile dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/attachmentFile |
Label | Attachment File |
Description | A binary attachment file associated with a Work record. Often used to provide additional description beyond that allowed by object properties. |
Super Property Of | ms:photographicReference |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:dateModified dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/dateModified |
Label | Date Modified |
Description |
Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. Date on which the resource was changed. |
Value Restriction | xsd:dateTime |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:dateUploaded dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/dateUploaded |
Label | Date Uploaded |
Description |
Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. Date of upload of the resource. |
Sub Property Of | dcterms:dateSubmitted |
Value Restriction | xsd:dateTime |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:deviceID dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/deviceID |
Label | Imaging Device ID |
Description | MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier for a Device used in an Imaging Event to image a Physical Object. |
Sub Property Of | ms:ID |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:photographicReference dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/photographicReference |
Label | Photographic Reference |
Description | A reference photograph image, often used to represent and record the object at the initial time of scanning. |
Sub Property Of | ms:attachmentFile |
Value Restriction | xsd:anyURI |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:physicalObjectID dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/physicalObjectID |
Label | Physical Object ID |
Description | MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier for a Physical Object represented by a Media. |
Sub Property Of | ms:objectID |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:software dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/software |
Label | Software |
Description | Free text description of any software used in an Imaging Event. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
CT Image Series Imaging Event Properties
Term Name dicom:AcquisitionType op
Term IRI | http://purl.org/healthcarevocab/v1#AcquisitionType |
Label | Acquisition Type |
Description | Description of the method used during acquisition of this frame. See Section C. for Defined Terms. Required if Frame Type (0008,9007) Value 1 of this frame is ORIGINAL. May be present otherwise. |
Value Restriction | mscv:AcquisitionType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name dicom:ExposureTime dp
Term IRI | http://purl.org/healthcarevocab/v1#ExposureTime |
Label | Exposure Time |
Description | Time of X-Ray exposure in msec. If Acquisition Type (0018,9302) equals SPIRAL, the value of this Attribute shall be Revolution Time (0018,9305) divided by the Spiral Pitch Factor (0018,9311). See Section C. and Section C. Shall not be present if this Attribute is present in Multi-energy CT Acquisition Sequence (0018,9362) and the value of this Attribute is not the same in all Items of the Multi-energy CT Acquisition Sequence (0018,9362). |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:amperage dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/amperage |
Label | Amperage |
Description | X-Ray Tube Current in mA. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:XRayTubeCurrent |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:detectorConfiguration op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorConfiguration |
Label | Detector Configuration |
Description | The physical configuration of the X-Ray detector. Value must be from the X-Ray Detector Configuration controlled vocabulary (http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/XRayDetectorConfiguration). This property should be a sub-property of dicom:DetectorConfiguration. |
Example |
`Area (single or tiled detector)`, `Slot (scanned slot, slit, or spot)` |
Value Restriction | mscv:XRayDetectorConfiguration |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:detectorPixelSizeX dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorPixelSizeX |
Label | Detector Pixel Size X |
Description | Length in mm of each pixel in the X direction. |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:detectorPixelSizeY dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorPixelSizeY |
Label | Detector Pixel Size Y |
Description | Length in mm of each pixel in the Y direction. |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:detectorPixelsX dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorPixelsX |
Label | Detector Pixels X |
Description | The number of pixels in the X direction of the detector (number of columns). |
Value Restriction | xsd:int |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:detectorPixelsY dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorPixelsY |
Label | Detector Pixels Y |
Description | The number of pixels in the X direction of the detector (number of rows). |
Value Restriction | xsd:int |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:detectorType op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/detectorType |
Label | Detector Type |
Description | Type of detector used to acquire this image. This property is more accurately a sub-property of dicom:DetectorType and should be changed accordingly. Value must be from X-Ray Detector Type controlled vocabulary (http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/XRayDetectorType). |
Example |
`Direct (X-Ray photoconductor)`, `Scintillator (Phosphor used)`, `Storage (Storage Phosphor)`, `Film (Scanned film/screen)` |
Sub Property Of | dicom:DetectorDescription |
Value Restriction | mscv:XRayDetectorType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:fluxNormalization dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/fluxNormalization |
Label | Flux Normalization |
Description | Whether flux normalization calibration is used or not. If present, value must be "Yes" or "No". |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:frameAveraging dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/frameAveraging |
Label | Frame Averaging |
Description | Number of images acquired at each projection angle and their average. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:ContrastFrameAveraging |
Value Restriction | xsd:int |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:ieFilter dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/ieFilter |
Label | Imaging Event Filter |
Description | Type of filter(s) inserted into the X-Ray beam. |
Sub Property Of | ms:filter |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:opticalMagnification dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/opticalMagnification |
Label | Optical Magnification |
Description | Whether optical magnification is used or not. This property is only for indicating optical magnification specifically, and is different from geometric magnification. If present, value must be "Yes" or "No". |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:phaseContrast dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/phaseContrast |
Label | Phase Contrast |
Description | Whether phase contrast of X-Ray beam - in other words, modulating the beam between higher and lower energies to increase contrast between materials - is used or not. If present, value must be "Yes" or "No". |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:pixelSpacingCalibration op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/pixelSpacingCalibration |
Label | Pixel Spacing Calibration |
Description | The type of correction for the effect of geometric magnification or calibration against an object of known size, if any. Value must be from Pixel Spacing Calibration Type controlled vocabulary (http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/PixelSpacingCalibrationType). |
Example |
`Geometry`, `Fiducial` |
Sub Property Of | dicom:PixelSpacingCalibrationType |
Value Restriction | mscv:PixelSpacingCalibrationType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:power dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/power |
Label | Power |
Description | Power in kW to the X-Ray generator. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:GeneratorPower |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:projections dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/projections |
Label | Number of Projections |
Description | Number of images at distinct angles used to create a 3D image. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:ImagesInAcquisition |
Value Restriction | xsd:int |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:rotationNumber dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/rotationNumber |
Label | Number of Rotations |
Description | Ratio of the Table Feed per Rotation (DICOM 0018,9310) to the Total Collimation Width (DICOM 0018,9307). |
Sub Property Of | dicom:SpiralPitchFactor |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:shadingCorrection dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/shadingCorrection |
Label | Shading Correction |
Description | Whether shading correction calibration is used or not. If present, value must be "Yes" or "No". |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:sourceDetectorDistance dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/sourceDetectorDistance |
Label | Distance From Source To Detector |
Description | Distance in mm from X-Ray source to detector center. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:DistanceSourceToDetector |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:sourceObjectDistance dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/sourceObjectDistance |
Label | Distance From Source To Object |
Description | Distance in mm from X-Ray source to isocenter (center of field of view). |
Sub Property Of | dicom:DistanceSourceToPatient |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:surroundingMaterial dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/surroundingMaterial |
Label | Surrounding Material |
Description | Wedge, or the material surrounding and/or enveloping the focal object. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:ContainerDescription |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:targetMaterial dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/targetMaterial |
Label | Target Material |
Description | The primary material in the anode of the X-Ray source. |
Example |
`tungsten`, `molybdenum`, `copper` |
Sub Property Of | dicom:AnodeTargetMaterial |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:targetType op
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/targetType |
Label | Target Type |
Description | Type of the anode of the X-Ray source. Value must be from the X-Ray Target Type controlled vocabulary (http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/XRayTargetType). |
Example |
`Reflection`,`Transmission` |
Value Restriction | mscv:XRayTargetType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:voltage dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/voltage |
Label | Voltage |
Description | Peak kilo voltage output of the X-Ray generator used. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:KVP |
Value Restriction | xsd:float |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:xrayTubeType dp
Term IRI | http://www.morphosource.org/terms/ms/xrayTubeType |
Label | X-Ray Tube Type |
Description | Free text describing type of X-Ray tube, possibly including brand and/or model of tube. |
Sub Property Of | dicom:GeneratorID |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |