Processing Activity Type Class
Term Name mscv:ProcessingActivityType c
Processing Activity Type Individual Instances
Term Name mscv:AlignParts t
Term IRI | |
Label | Align Parts |
Description | Alignment in position, orientation, and/or scale of two or more surface meshes or volumes. Most often relevant to surface meshes, where a larger scan consists of multiple subregion mesh parts that are aligned, whether manually or automatically. Also applicable to CT scans, such as a scenario in which several pieces of a broken object are scanned separately and aligned to approximate the object prior to breakage. This activity can be used with activity type Merge if parts being aligned previously existed as separate files but are now combined as a single file after alignment. |
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Term Name mscv:BackgroundRemovalMasking t
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Label | Background Removal and/or Masking |
Description | Identification of object, region, and/or pixels of interest in 2D images comprising an image stack and then removing or deleting gray or color values from all regions of the image not included in the region of interest. Most often applicable to 2D image collections that are source files for photogrammetry models or volumetric reconstructed image stacks. |
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Term Name mscv:BitDepthChange t
Term IRI | |
Label | Bit Depth Change |
Description | Converting 2D image bit depth from a higher value to a lower value (e.g., 16 bit to 8 bit). |
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Term Name mscv:Crop t
Term IRI | |
Label | Crop |
Description | For volumetric data, the extraction of a subregion (a region of interest or ROI) from a larger volume. For surface meshes, the act of removing parts or subregions representing noise or extraneous material from a surface mesh. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:HistogramEditing t
Term IRI | |
Label | Histogram Editing |
Description | Any activity that modifies the histogram of pixel values on a 2D raster image. Includes changing contrast, modifying brightness, and processes directly applied to image histogram such as removing extreme values or changing histogram shape. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:ImageMeshCompression t
Term IRI | |
Label | Image and/or Mesh Compression |
Description | Application of a compression format or profile to data (e.g., TIFF to LZW TIFF or TIFF to JPEG for a 2D image; PLY to GLB with Draco compression for a surface mesh). |
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Term Name mscv:Merge t
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Label | Merge |
Description | For volumetric data, repositioning and merging of multiple image stacks representing different parts of the same object into a single stack representing the combined object.For surface meshes, merging of multiple meshes or mesh fragments representing different parts of the same object. Can be accompanied by activity type Align Parts if applicable. |
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Term Name mscv:MeshPointCloudTexturing t
Term IRI | |
Label | Mesh and/or Point Cloud Texturing |
Description | Addition of texture to a surface mesh or point cloud. Includes manual painting or application of photorealistic textures derived from collection of photographs via photogrammetry. |
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Term Name mscv:MeshToPointCloud t
Term IRI | |
Label | Mesh to Point Cloud |
Description | Removal of information about edges connecting point vertices in a surface mesh, converting it to a point cloud. |
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Term Name mscv:Patch t
Term IRI | |
Label | Patch |
Description | Filling of holes or gaps in a mesh or point cloud. |
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Term Name mscv:PhotosToDensePointCloud t
Term IRI | |
Label | Photos to Dense Point Cloud |
Description | Creation of a dense point cloud from a collection of 2D image photographs with inferred positions relative to the object of interest. Usually performed after image matching has already occurred. Applicable to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. |
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Term Name mscv:PhotosToDigitalElevationModel t
Term IRI | |
Label | Photos to Digital Elevation Model |
Description | Creation of a digital elevation model of a landscape from a collection of 2D image photographs. Applicable to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:PhotosToMesh t
Term IRI | |
Label | Photos to Mesh |
Description | Generic description for creation of a 3D model from a collection of 2D image photographs by photogrammetry. |
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Term Name mscv:PhotosToSparseMeshDepthMap t
Term IRI | |
Label | Photos to Sparse Mesh and Depth Map |
Description | Creation of a sparse mesh and depth map by analysis of collection of 2D image photographs. Application to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. Where present in certain software packages, this precedes generation of the final 3D model. |
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Term Name mscv:PhotosToSparsePointCloudDepthMap t
Term IRI | |
Label | Photos to Sparse Point Cloud and Depth Map |
Description | Creation of a sparse point cloud and depth map by analysis of collection of 2D image photographs. Application to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. Where present in certain software packages, this precedes generation of the final 3D model. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:PointCloudToMesh t
Term IRI | |
Label | Point Cloud to Mesh |
Description | Creation of a polygonal mesh from a point cloud by inferring connections among point vertices. Relevant in some photogrammetry workflows following photo matching stages. |
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Term Name mscv:ReconstructedTomographyToMesh t
Term IRI | |
Label | Reconstructed Tomography to Mesh |
Description | Creation of a surface mesh from a volumetric reconstructed image stack, also known as segmentation. |
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Term Name mscv:Reconstruction t
Term IRI | |
Label | Reconstruction |
Description | Creation of a volumetric reconstructed 3D image stack from X-Ray projections and/or sinograms. |
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Term Name mscv:Simplification t
Term IRI | |
Label | Simplification |
Description | Reduction in number of vertex points or faces for a surface mesh, or reduction in number of voxels for a volume. May also produce a smoothing effect in some cases. |
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Term Name mscv:SmoothingNoiseReduction t
Term IRI | |
Label | Smoothing and/or Noise Reduction |
Description | Reduction in noise and/or implementation of surface mesh smoothing or volumetric data filtering. |
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Term Name mscv:SparseMeshDepthMapToMesh t
Term IRI | |
Label | Sparse Mesh and Depth Map to Mesh |
Description | Creation of final surface mesh model from intermediate sparse mesh and depth map. Applicable to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:SparsePointCloudDepthMapToDensePointCloud t
Term IRI | |
Label | Sparse Point Cloud and Depth Map to Dense Point Cloud |
Description | Creation of dense point cloud from intermediate sparse point cloud and depth map. Applicable to some but not all photogrammetry workflows. |
Type | |
Term Name mscv:TransformReflection t
Term IRI | |
Label | Transform: Reflection |
Description | Transformation that inverts or mirrors coordinate values or pixel column order on an axis so that a mesh or volume appears as a mirror image of original data. |
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Term Name mscv:TransformRotation t
Term IRI | |
Label | Transform: Rotation |
Description | Transformation that rotates a mesh or volume around the centroid producing a rotational change on coordinates without any change in centroid position or scale. |
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Term Name mscv:TransformScale t
Term IRI | |
Label | Transform: Scale |
Description | Transformation that increases or reduces coordinate values of a mesh by a constant factor or changes the pixel spacing of a volume, modifying the absolute size of the mesh or volume. |
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Term Name mscv:TransformTranslation t
Term IRI | |
Label | Transform: Translation |
Description | Transformation that modifies position, changing all coordinate values of a mesh or volume along one or more axes by a constant set of modifiers, producing a translation position change in coordinate values |
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