Organization Class
Term Name ms:Organization c
Organization Properties
Term Name pcdm:hasMember op
Term IRI | |
Label | has member |
Is Defined By | |
Description | Links to a subsidiary Object or Collection. Typically used to link to component parts, such as a book linking to a page. Note on transitivity: hasMember is not defined as transitive, but applications may treat it as transitive as local needs dictate. |
Value Restriction | |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name dc:description dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Description |
Is Defined By | |
Description |
Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. An account of the resource. |
Note | A second property with the same name as this property has been declared in the dcterms: namespace. See the Introduction to the document DCMI Metadata Terms for an explanation. |
Super Property Of | ms:processingActivityDescription |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dcterms:license op
Term IRI | |
Label | License |
Is Defined By | |
Description |
Recommended practice is to identify the license document with a URI. If this is not possible or feasible, a literal value that identifies the license may be provided. A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. |
Value Restriction | cc:License |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name dcterms:title dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Title |
Is Defined By | |
Description | A name given to the resource. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dwc:collectionCode dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Collection Code |
Is Defined By | |
Description | The name, acronym, coden, or initialism identifying the collection or data set from which the record was derived. |
Example |
`Mammals`, `Hildebrandt`, `EBIRD`, `VP` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dwc:country op
Term IRI | |
Label | Country |
Is Defined By | |
Description |
Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. Recommended best practice is to leave this field blank if the Location spans multiple entities at this administrative level or if the Location might be in one or another of multiple possible entities at this level. Multiplicity and uncertainty of the geographic entity can be captured either in the term higherGeography or in the term locality, or both. The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs. |
Example |
`Denmark`, `Colombia`, `España` |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name dwc:institutionCode dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Institution Code |
Is Defined By | |
Description | The name (or acronym) in use by the institution having custody of the object(s) or information referred to in the record. |
Example |
`MVZ`, `FMNH`, `CLO`, `UCMP` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name dwc:stateProvince op
Term IRI | |
Label | State Province |
Is Defined By | |
Description |
Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. The name of the next smaller administrative region than country (state, province, canton, department, region, etc.) in which the Location occurs. |
Example |
`Montana`, `Minas Gerais`, `Córdoba` |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:ID dp
Term IRI | |
Label | ID |
Description | Morphosource-specific unique ID identifier for a Work (Media, Organization, Device, etc.). |
Super Property Of | |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:address dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Address |
Description | The street address or other specific description of the place or location. |
Example |
`130 Science Dr` |
Sub Property Of | dwc:locality |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:agreementURI dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Agreement URI |
Description | A Web URI for a statement of the ownership and usage rights for Media. This more accurately maps to xmpRights:WebStatement than xmpRights:UsageTerms, and should be changed accordingly. |
Sub Property Of | xmpRights:UsageTerms |
Value Restriction | xsd:anyURI |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:attachmentFile dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Attachment File |
Description | A binary attachment file associated with a Work record. Often used to provide additional description beyond that allowed by object properties. |
Super Property Of | ms:photographicReference |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:city dp
Term IRI | |
Label | City |
Description |
Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. The full, unabbreviated name of the next smaller administrative region than county (city, municipality, etc.) in which the Location occurs. Do not use this term for a nearby named place that does not contain the actual location. |
Example |
`Holzminden`, `Araçatuba`, `Ga-Segonyana` |
Sub Property Of | dwc:municipality |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:contactUser dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Contact User |
Description | Contact individual associated with the Organization. Does not need to be a MorphoSource User. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:dataManager op
Term IRI | |
Label | Data Manager |
Description | User intended to have long-term data management over Media representing Organization Physical Objects. |
Value Restriction | ms:User |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:dateModified dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Date Modified |
Description |
Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. Date on which the resource was changed. |
Value Restriction | xsd:dateTime |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:dateUploaded dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Date Uploaded |
Description |
Recommended practice is to describe the date, date/time, or period of time as recommended for the property Date, of which this is a subproperty. Date of upload of the resource. |
Sub Property Of | dcterms:dateSubmitted |
Value Restriction | xsd:dateTime |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:depositor op
Term IRI | |
Label | Depositor |
Description | A current owner of an item who deposited the item into the custody of another person, family, or organization, while still retaining ownership |
Value Restriction | ms:User |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:downloadPermission op
Term IRI | |
Label | Download Permission |
Description | Preferred Publication Status (morphosource:visibility) for Media representing Organization Physical Objects. Value must be from Publication Status controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`Open`, `Restricted`, `Private` |
Value Restriction | mscv:PublicationStatus |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:downloadReviewer op
Term IRI | |
Label | Download Reviewer |
Description | User(s) that receive and may decide approval requests to download media that is Published with Restricted Download. |
Value Restriction | ms:User |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:institutionName dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Institution Name |
Description | Name of institution affiliated with Organization. This may be a university in the case of departments or a museum in the case of specific museum collections. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:licenseBlank dp
Term IRI | |
Label | License Intentionally Left Blank |
Description | Whether the Organization's preferred policy is for Media representing Organization Physical Objects to specify no license in dc:license. This is distinct from an Organization expressing no preference on license choice. Values must be "Yes" or "No". If value is "Yes", then Organization explicitly prefers no license to be chosen. |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:morphosourceUseAgreementType op
Term IRI | |
Label | MorphoSource Use Agreement Type |
Description | Type of MorphoSource use agreement that users must agree to in order to download Media and that is packaged with an associated Media download. Values must be from the Use Agreement Type controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`Standard`, `Permissive` |
Value Restriction | mscv:UseAgreementType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:organizationType op
Term IRI | |
Label | Organization Type |
Description | Type of Organization to distinguish between collections managing Physical Objects, scanning facilities, and entities that both operate scanning equipment and manage Physical Objects. Values must be from Organization Type controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`Museum, Department, or Lab Collection`, `Scanning Facility`, `Collection and Scanning Facility` |
Value Restriction | mscv:OrganizationType |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:permits3DUse op
Term IRI | |
Label | Permits 3D Use |
Description | Whether Media may be 3D printed freely, may be 3D printed in limited ways, or if 3D printing is prohibited. Values must be from the 3D Printing Permission controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`3DPrintingPermitted`, `3DPrintingLimited`, `3DPrintingProhibited` |
Value Restriction | mscv:3DPrintingPermission |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:permitsCommercialUse op
Term IRI | |
Label | Permits Commercial Use |
Description | Whether commercial use of Media is permitted. Values must be from the Commercial Use Permission controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`CommercialUseNotPermitted`, `CommercialUsePermitted` |
Value Restriction | mscv:CommercialUsePermission |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:postalCode dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Postal Code |
Description | Group of numbers or letters added to a postal address to assist in sorting of mail, such as a ZIP code in the United States. |
Example |
`27708` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:recordsetID dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Recordset ID |
Description | An identifier for an entire museum, institution, or laboratory specimen collection associated with Organization. May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to a collection or institution. |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:requiredArchivalOfPublishedDerivatives op
Term IRI | |
Label | Required Archival Of Published Derivatives |
Description | Whether and how future derivatives created from Media must be rearchived on a public-facing digital repository such as MorphoSource. Values may include mandatory requirements or optional suggestions. Values must be from Derivative Rearchival Statement controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
`OnMorphoSource`, `OnAnyRepository`, `EncouragedButNotRequired` |
Value Restriction | mscv:DerivativeRearchivalStatement |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:rightsHolder dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Rights Holder |
Description | List of holders of intellectual property rights (copyright or license-based) for the Media. |
Sub Property Of | xmpRights:Owner |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:rightsHolderBlank dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Rights Holder Intentionally Left Blank |
Description | Whether the Organization's preferred policy is for Media representing Organization Physical Objects to specify no rights holder in morphosource:rightsHolder. This is distinct from an Organization expressing no preference on rights holder statement. Values must be "Yes" or "No". If value is "Yes", then Organization explicitly prefers no rights holder statement. |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:rightsStatement op
Term IRI | |
Label | Rights Statement |
Description | Standardized rights statement used to communicate the copyright and/or reuse status of digital objects. Values must be from the Rights Statement controlled vocabulary ( |
Example |
``, ``, `` |
Sub Property Of | edm:rights |
Value Restriction | dcterms:RightsStatement |
Type | Object Property |
Term Name ms:rightsStatementBlank dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Rights Statement Intentionally Left Blank |
Description | Whether the Organization's preferred policy is for Media representing Organization Physical Objects to specify no rights statement in morphosource:rightsStatement. This is distinct from an Organization expressing no preference on rights statement. Values must be "Yes" or "No". If value is "Yes", then Organization explicitly prefers no rights statement. |
Example |
`Yes`, `No` |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |
Term Name ms:teamID dp
Term IRI | |
Label | Team ID |
Description | MorphoSource-specific unique ID identifier for a Team associated with the Organization and responsible for managing the Organization record. |
Sub Property Of | ms:ID |
Value Restriction | xsd:string |
Type | Datatype Property |